delicious, Asian-inspired vegan dinner bowl is packed with protein and
nutrients to fuel your day!
Slice tofu into small squares. Then place the sliced tofu on a paper towel or kitchen towel. If using paper towel double the layers. Place another towel to cover tofu and put a heavy pan on top of the towel. The idea here is to squeeze as much moisture as possible out of the tofu. The less moisture there is the crispier it will be after baking. Leave for 10 minutes.
Place tofu in a large mixing bowl, add soy sauce, sriracha, and corn starch. Gently stir with a spatula. Place carefully on a baking sheet and bake for 30 minutes, turning half-way through.
Toss sweet potato noodles in 1 tbsp olive oil, salt, and pepper. Place on a baking sheet (either lined or unlined) bake for 20 minutes, tossing half-way through.
While the tofu and sweet potatoes are baking, saute the snap peas. Heat oil in a large non-stick pan over medium heat. Add snap peas, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Sauce for 10 minutes, tossing occasionally until snap peas are tender.
Arrange the bowl by combining sweet potatoes, crispy spicy tofu, and snap peas. Top with freshly grated radish and sliced onions. Serve with cilantro sauce.
Nutrition Information: Calories: 267 Fat: 7.7 g Saturated fat: 1.2 g Sodium: 253 mg Carbohydrates: 46.9 g Dietary Fiber: 7 g Sugar: 1.9 g Protein: 4 g