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The best way to make Spaghetti Squash as a healthy substitute in Italian dishes. This cooking method delivers perfectly made Spaghetti Squash with firm texture that isn’t mushy!
Spaghetti squash is one of the healthiest substitutions for pasta. If you’ve been on zoodles kick like me and tried everything from beet noodles to sweet potato noodles, then you may want to try this easy Spaghetti Squash recipe.
Using Spaghetti Squash in place of spaghetti or pasta in Italian dishes isn’t anything new. People have been using Spaghetti Squash in place of regular spaghetti for decades. Way before zoodles was a thing.
So why not try something new by making a vintage recipe?
There are several ways to cook Spaghetti Squash. This is my favorite method that is easy to make and it won’t make you squash mushy.
Step 1: Preheat oven to 350F degrees. Cut Spaghetti Squash in half and scoop out the middle. Save the seeds if you’d like for later use. (You can either toast them later or mix them in a batch of home-made granola. It’s up to you.)
Step 2: Pour water in the baking sheet. Make sure there is an even layer and the water doesn’t overflow. It’s best to use a deep baking sheet.
Step 3: Place squash halves face down in the water on the baking sheet and pop it in the oven for 45 mins. This cooking method steams the inside of the squash.
I really like this cooking method as opposed to roasting the squash. This cooking method ensures your squash gets cooked properly and doesn’t get mushy. Nobody likes mushy Spaghetti Squash.
Step 4: Carefully take the baking sheet out of the oven and let it cool. Wait for the squash to cool completely before proceeding to the next step.
Step 5: Grab a fork and start swirling the inside of the squash. You will pick up all the “spaghettis”. Transfer into a glass bowl or container.
One squash should give you a good amount of spaghetti that will last multiple meals. If you’re looking for meal ideas check out Spaghetti Squash with Mushrooms and Cherry Tomatoes.
If you make this recipe, let me know! Leave a comment, rate it and don’t forget to hashtag #simplefitvegan on Instagram!

The best way to make Spaghetti Squash as a healthy alternative in Italian dishes. This cooking method delivers perfectly made Spaghetti Squash that won’t be mushy!
- 1 Spaghetti Squash
Preheat oven to 350F degrees.
Cut Spaghetti Squash in half and scoop out the middle.
Pour water in the baking sheet. Make sure there is an even layer and that the water doesn’t overflow. It’s best to use a deeper baking sheet.
Place squash face down in the water on the baking sheet. Put in the oven for 45 mins.
Carefully take the baking sheet out of the oven and let cool. Wait for the squash to cool completely before proceeding to the next step.
Using a fork, start swirling the inside of the squash and lift up the “spaghettis”. Transfer into a glass bowl or container.
Store in the fridge for up to 5 days.
Nutrition Information (1 cup cooked): Calories: 42 Fat: 4 g Saturated fat: 0.4 g Sodium: 28 mg Carbohydrates: 10 g Dietary Fiber: 2.2 g Sugar: 3.9 g Protein: 1 g
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My brand new cookbook is out on Amazon! It’s called “30-Minute Plant-Based Recipes” and it’s perfect for busy vegans. Grab it now!
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