My brand new cookbook is out on Amazon! It’s called “30-Minute Plant-Based Recipes” and it’s perfect for busy vegans. Grab it now!
Easy one-pot vegetable stock recipe from scraps that is perfect to cook soups, stews, grains, and other vegetables.

We’re on our Day 13 of Two-Week Plant-Based Cooking challenge guys! Can you believe we’re almost through?
What’s this challenge? We will be cooking a brand-new plant-based recipe every day for the next two weeks together! All recipes are pantry-friendly, easy to make, and will NOT require hard to find ingredients (because grocery shopping ain’t the same anymore!).
+ Giveaways: Follow along and if you make one of the recipes and post a picture of your creation in our Facebook group, you will be entered into a giveaway for a chance to win one of the editions of my digital cookbook “10 Vegan Meals in 1 Hour”. Winners will be picked every other day over two weeks!
Before I made my vegetable stock at home about a year ago, I must say I feared making it. It seemed so complicated. Usually, if thigs are complicated to make, they’re often sold in supermarkets I thought.
One day when was at a grocery store staring at the shelf full of various vegetable stock options to pick from, I was inundated and frustrated at the same time.

This mini-cookbook will give your recipes for delicious, plan-based, healthy, and cozy soup and stew recipes for every day of the week!

First, pre-made vegetable stock is expensive! And sometimes you need two to three packages, so you cheap soup recipe ends of costing as if it were a delicacy at a Michelin restaurant.
P.S. Try my FREE 5-Day Vegan Clean Eating Challenge to help you cut down on packaged and processed foods and enable long-term, clean eating habits!
Second, pre-made vegetable is loaded with sodium. The “low-sodium” ones are still off-putting to me.
On a whole food plant-based lifestyle, I want to keep sodium as low as possible. It ain’t good for us.

I started my research and experimented in my kitchen lab to find the easiest way to make the vegetable stock. Start gathering vegetable scraps in one container or a freezer bag and keep in in the freezer. Here are some ideas on how to get scraps:
- Have vegetables that are starting to go bad such as spinach, garlic or onion? Add them in your freezer bag.
- Juicing pulp/waste
- Mushroom stems
I keep adding vegetables throughout a month and once I have a bag full of veggies, I make the stock. In total you only need one pound or so of vegetables to make a decent amount of stock enough for multiple recipes.

Meal prep the smart way! Check out my FREE guide How To Meal Prep Without A Recipe.
Here’s my basic formula for making an outstanding vegetable broth every single time:
- Garlic
- Onion
- Carrots
- Cilantro or Parsley
- One vegetable that is rich in umami flavor, I recommend either mushrooms or tomatoes.
- Spices: salt, pepper, turmeric, oregano, bay leaf.

A few more tips:
You can add more vegetables to this basic formula. I like to add celery, spinach, beets, whatever I have on hand at that moment.
For umami vegetables, I use either mushrooms or tomatoes, but you can also use both. The reason I specified either or is because some people do not like the taste of the tomato. Or some recipes that call for vegetable stock may not pair well with tomato flavor, for example, if you’re using the vegetable stock to make rice. It’s also very easy to control for tomato flavor, you can always add tomato paste to your stew at the end.
For spices, I recommend to keep it simple. Keep in mind that you can (and most likely will) add spices to the finished dish anyway. Keeping the vegetable stock recipe simple will ensure you can use it in various recipes.
You can, of course, use fresh vegetables to make the vegetable stock.
P.S. Here are some yummy recipes ideas you can make with this vegetable stock:
Don’t forget to download your FREE Healthy Vegan Soups and Stews e-cookbook.

Easy one-pot vegetable stock recipe from scraps that is perfect to cook soups, stews, grains, and other vegetables.
- 4-5 garlic
- 1 onion
- 3-4 carrots
- 20 sprigs cilantro or parsley
- 1/2 – 1 cups of one vegetable that is rich in umami flavor I recommend either mushrooms or tomatoes.
- 1 tbsp sea salt
- 1 tsp black pepper
- 2 tsp turmeric powder
- 1 tbsp dried oregano
- 2 bay leaves
- 8 quarts/32 cups of water
- Optional: 1 tbsp of olive oil
Heat up a large pot (12 quarts or more) that has a lid over medium heat.
If using olive oil: First add olive oil and then all the vegetables to the pot. Let caramelize for 3-5 mins. Then add water and spices.
If not using oil: First add all the vegetables to the pot. Then add water and spices.
Turn the heat up to high and bring to a boil. Then cover with a lid and cook on medium-low for 1 hour.
Let cook for a bit. With a fine mesh large sieve pick out the vegetables and discard them.
Store vegetable stock in glass containers in the freezer for up to 3 months.
The quantity of ingredients is not required. If you have more mushrooms and fewer carrots, that is ok. You tweak this baseline recipe. Just make sure one ingredient does not overpower the whole recipe. For instance, garlic has a strong flavor, do not add ten garlic gloves unless you want your stock to be heavy on garlic flavor.

This mini-cookbook will give your recipes for delicious, plan-based, healthy, and cozy soup and stew recipes for every day of the week!
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My brand new cookbook is out on Amazon! It’s called “30-Minute Plant-Based Recipes” and it’s perfect for busy vegans. Grab it now!
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